My 2017 Dementia Challenge – Update 02

With less than 5 weeks to go until the London Marathon, the training has stepped up a notch.  I completed a few 5 – 6 mile runs in the week in the knowledge that I had a long run to come on Sunday.

I entered the New Forest 20 mile run a few months ago and felt at the time that I would be more than ready for this. Training has stalled on a few occasions with my legs getting to grips with a new pair of trainers and the increased mileage. However, not one to give up easily I turned up at the race start which seemed OK, albeit a little windy, but felt I would be protected by the avenue of trees.

The race was over 2 x 10 mile laps and the course description slightly undulating.  Having trained primarily in Gosport which is relatively flat, to say I struggled the first 10 miles was an understatement.  As I plodded past the coned off finish line after the first 10 miles, I did consider dropping the next lap.  Pride or perhaps stupidity had taken over, so I continued on lap 2.

I am not someone that gives up easily but, 3 miles in on the second lap, I did contemplate turning back. At the 17.5 mile feed station I consumed a banana and a sports gel which probably does not make any difference but mentally I felt better and stumbled on.

I have attempted to upload a video of me crossing the line, but am unable to at the moment, technical issues!

With regards the sponsorship challenge, placings are as follows:

  1. Southsea
  2. Eden
  3. Gosport
  4. Magnolia

The challenge is on!