My 60+ Mile Dementia Challenge

Hello, by way of introduction my name is Steve Docherty, I am the Executive Advisor for St Vincent Care Homes. I work in our Head Office which is situated in Lee-on-the-Solent. However I spend the majority of my days in either of our four homes.

I felt that a challenge was in order so have decided to visit all our homes over a four day period, my mode of travel will either be running or cycling further details will of course follow. As our homes specialism is dementia I thought it appropriate to carry out the challenge during Dementia Awareness Week which starts on Monday 18th May. This will also give me the opportunity to do a little training!

In order to generate some funding for each homes Residents Fund, each home may ask for a donation from you which all I can ask is to give what ever you wish.

I will update this blog on at least a weekly basis and inform you of my training progress.  Nearer the time of the challenge I will post daily.

Wish me luck, I think I may need it.